Day1: Tuesday 12th February April 10am-5pm- Introduction, learning sequence.
Day 2: Tuesday 13th February 10am-2pm - Revising sequence and assessment.
Thai foot massage is a wonderful treatment that is both extremely relaxing and energising. It's a relatively new practice in Thailand. A group of Thai masseurs studied reflexology with Chinese, Japanese and Korean reflexologists, and came up with their own system. It has only been practised in Thailand for 8-10 years at the most.
Most courses that are offered are one day only but in that time, you just learn the sequence in parts and there is no chance to put it together or refine the new techniques learnt. However, Kira offers a 2 day course which allows you to practise what you have learnt on the first day and then come back and put it all together with supervision and guidance.
A bit like Thai massage, Thai foot massage is not diagnostic like reflexology, but it does cover all the reflex zones on the feet in each treatment. There are lots of lovely techniques on the feet, some using oil with hands, and some using a wooden stick. The treatmentalso works right up to the knee and covers in-depth massage on the lower legs. The treatment you will learn, lasts 1 hour and is an effective and stimulating treatment on its own. You can also shorten it and add it on to the beginning or end of a Thai massage or other types of massages, to enhance your treatment even more.
Fee: £195
To book your place please contact Kira Balaskas via her website....